Exqueese me? I baking powder?
Fun news. I’m psyched for this, and can’t wait to learn more.
Very nice!
I would love to see on the oscilloscope the difference between a Buchla-style Parallel “deadband” and a modified Serge-type Serial folding circuit. Does anyone know how this new folder compares to the uFold or the wavefolder that is built into the shapeshifter?
In a thread on MW, someone said of the two paradigms, “From what I can tell the difference happens in the last 10%. The Buchla goes dome-shaped while the Serge squares up.”
I’ve seen the uFold II in action on my 'scope, and it seems to be more dome-like to me, so assuming that it’s not something altogether different, I suspect it’s more Buchla-like in design.
That said, I’d also love to hear more on this topic from someone who’s not conjecturing from random material found on the internet.
Whaaaat??? That would really be great! Currently building a Buchla easel inspired case I would definitely have this as a part of a complex oscillator. Ring mod!!! (not part of an easel but I love my uMod!)
I am also quite curious to know if the fold and crossfade inputs respond to audio rate signals. I was a little sad when I noticed that you couldn’t CV the bias, but maybe these inputs could achieve a similar effect.
I think, just like on the Morgasmatron, there’s a phase inversion switch so if xfade is modulated at audio rate it should work as a ring modulator. Actually I think the modulator goes into the phase inverted input then taking the output from xfade would be the ring modulated signal.
Is that a switch on the front panel or is the modulating signal triggering the switch with a negative voltage?
Switch is on the front panel. I’ll explain it better:
- Patch a signal into in P
- Take the output from MIX to audio system
- Turn the switch to phase inversion and put the xfade knob to 12 o’clock, now there’s a copy of your signal that’s phase inverted, canceling the original signal.
- Send a modulating signal (a sine wave would be nice) to the xfade input and turn up the attenuverter
- Ring Mod!
Well that certainly is interesting way to design the module.
I am more thirsty for oscilloscope video now more than ever.
I can’t wait to hear the announcement from Intellijel soon!
Wow! Neat product and neat design. I’ll take one.
New video about it!!
When Intellijel? When…?
Nice! Wish he had another oscillator than a Surface to demo with, but can tell it sounds great still. I’m super excited for the Bifold. Already cleared a space for it.
I just wanted him to crank the resonance on the MUM M8 filter and use the sine wave. What can you say, young Mr. Tinez is not the type to give you a technical analysis and oscilloscope waveforms. You gotta be ready to vibe
Any confirmation from the Intelllijel team on the design of the uFold II? (Buchla or Serge)
the original uFold was a series style folder inspired by the Serge circuit. The Bifold S folder is also a serge inspired circuit but the implementation is different from the uFold.
There are a lot of very carefully selected components in the Bifold, especially on the P side. We noticed quite big differences in tone based on the different opamps used and we choses ones that had very specific specs.
Thanks so much for the quick response and for the amazing products! I love my uFold, but I’m looking forward to adding a Bifold once they come to market.
Would there ba a way to quantify the difference? I noticed on the oscilloscope that the two wave folders look very different at full fold. Was phase cancellation ever an issue between the two sides (maybe that’s why that feature being added)?
@Danjel and team - My Bifold arrived to complete my Intellijel Complex Oscillator, and join my Brenso and Cš-L! Congratulations and thank-you… what a fantastic machine.
So now I have a perfect Intellijel chain - Dixie2+, Rubicon2 and Bifold to make up a complete analog Complex Oscillator arrangement; with KorgasmatronII filter, Quadrax for envelopes and modulation, two LPG 1U low pass gates, and a Quad VCA.
Here is a demonstration that produces a three-part piece:
For this demonstration, I used a sequence from Frap Tools USTA…
-not my Intellijel performance set (Planar2+Tetê+Tetrapad)… my bad.
but, it’s a good demonstration of the Complex Oscillator package Intellijel has built, particularly Bifold and those wicked LPGs!
The patch consists of:
Dixie2+ zigzag wave into the Serial (Serge) wavefolder and an LPG on the right;
and Rubicon’s warp output going to the Parallel (Buchla) wavefolder to the left.
I also have Dixie2+ feeding the TZFM input of Rubicon2.
While those two trade-off alternating gates to the LPGs, I am sending additional trigger patterns to Quadrax, KorgasmatronII and a Quad VCA channel to send through the centre bass voice - which is the Rubicon2 Sub2 output.
The wavefolders are modulated with Quadrax Vascillators for variation.
Throughout the piece, I am manually adding through-zero FM to the Rubicon from Dixie via the Index and adjusting the base FOLD on the wavefolders to shift the intensity and add movement.