1U modules wishlist

A super basic 1U WAV recorder so you can record any/all patches.
Ideally that can chain to the outputs/audio jack outputs on the cases.
Stereo in/out. Small record button/trigger in to record.
Probably mentioned this before but putting it back into the mix to see if anyone else would be stoked to see this.
Have a great weekend everyone! :raised_hands:

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a 1u module for foot switches would be so nice. 1/4” input and an output for latching and one for momentary.

Like half a Monome Walk (w/o the logic stuff in the middle)


That has been on the “to do” list for a while!


It does great things with the hold function in rainmaker

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I would love to see a 1U Mixup (4-channel mixer, 2 stereo channels). I believe it has been mentioned here before. Is something like that in the works?

Stereo Line-In would be nice to have…or have I missed something?

also +1 for clock divider (should be possible in 12HP with 8 jacks)

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Retro Encabulator!


I want Plink! A 1U Plonk. It could be a “preset player”. One CV in for switching sounds, one for modulation.


I just realized that I end up using two channels of Quadratt just to do a CV inversion, or to polarize a 0-10V signal a lot of the time.
A real waste of real estate for such simple functions.
I don’t have a spare 2HP for a Quad Inverter - it would sure be nice to have a dual or quad inverter 1U. You could probably do a Dual Inverter in 6HP.
The other idea is a 10V to +/-5V polarizer/converter in as little HP as possible. Just a 0-10V in and subtract 5V from it. I’ll never get rid of my Quadratt, but those two functions could easily be put into a little 1U module.
Maybe combine them both with a toggle switch to go from Invert to Polarize - and you could probably provide a pair of those in 8HP. 4 jacks, 2 switches. CV Utility.
Combine that with a Quadratt and you can mangle a lot of signals!


thank you, yes a module like that would be invaluable!


If it still had a randomize function and maybe a few slots to save presets that would be great…just keep randomizing until you get the sound you’re after.


Great idea.


i also, often use 2 channels of quadratt for this same thing, and every time i think about how its a bit of a waste (that word sounds extreme though)

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Just to stay on topic on this thread (1U Wishlist), I just started a new conversation on Attenuverters and Inverters here: Attenuverters and Inverters

Came here just to post this. The audio i/o module would be wasted on me because I don’t really have any use for the output side and adding 2 line in modules leaves me with an agonizing 4hp. A stereo in in 14hp (or even 10) would be brilliant.

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They’re already working on it. The Stereo Line Out 1U is 8HP, but it only has one knob, so I’m guessing 12HP.

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Thanks for releasing the Duatt !
Will order one very soon.

Meanwhile, as long as i can see the Steppy 1U be part of any palette setup, maybe it would be nice to offer one with around half the size (2x64 steps instead of 4 for example) for basic gate sequencing ? Something called “Baby Steppy” for example ? :slight_smile: This 1u “baby-steppy” + 1u “logic” would be killer !

When will we be able to get a stereo send/return?


A line level one? or pedal compatible?

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It might not be for everyone but wow yeah it would rule to have a 1U to convert the 0-10v signal to the -5/+5v zones. I use Moog stuff regularly in most performance/studio settings and this is one immediate use to talk to Moog’s volt per octave input. And of course to use in many other settings. :sunglasses: