Zeroscope 1U 1.3

Not to drudge up old stuff, just really interested to see a variable screensaver time/toggle implemented in the future, as the scope is very useful but it’s definitely hard to use to demo live for video purposes and such if it has to be adjusted to keep it from freezing

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I have requested this from VPME.DE so hopefully we can get an update soon :slight_smile:


1.4 is here!


excellent, thanks jel crew!

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Thanks a ton guys :smiley:

…and updated to 1.4a (initial release had a bug causing the module to hang when returning to the tuning page)

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Finally got my Zeroscope and immediately wished the screensaver wasn’t one minute haha. Awesome to see that Intellijel listened and responded!

If I didn’t know any better, I’d never have it enter screensaver mode. Any idea what we’re talking about in terms of shortening the screen life if we select “never”?

Eventually the elements on the screen that don’t change will begin to burn in and you’ll get “ghosting”. OLED displays seem to need to remain in motion to avoid that.

Thanks! I’m pretty sure it will suffice to use 5 minutes for most applications. On a rare occasion, maybe if I make a live video or something I’ll switch it over to one hour.

I have a question about Zeroscope: Lately I have been noticing that, when using it for tuning, sometimes the cent-reading gridline thingy seems “stuck” on the left and the tuning seems strange. Then I noticed that somehow the reference frequency has changed (I think it’s usually if not always been 471 Hz), and when I change it back to 440, everything is fine. Can anyone explain what’s happening?

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