Using a modified guitar stand with Intellijel 7U case

Hi, thought I’d share this here since info was scarce when I was looking for a solution.

So the built-in legs on the 7U work great when you’re standing, but they don’t work well for me when I’m sitting, which is how I use my modular 95% of the time. I’m using an OnStage guitar stand to securely hold my Intellijel 7U case. Got mine at Moog Audio in Montréal [link].

As-is, the two bottom brackets prevent from using the case’s lid, and can interfere with patch cables, depending on the modules you use. These two issues can be fixed by bending the brackets a bit so it conforms to the case’s shape, and cutting them down to size so they don’t protrude (see pictures). It’s easy enough if you’re the DIY type, all you need is a hacksaw and some elbow grease.

Works great for me, and the case feels quite secure. The center of gravity is sufficiently in the back so the thing doesn’t want to tip over, even with the lid on.

Highly recommended - hope it helps!


Can’t put more than a single image per post. grr.

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Here we go again.

Only one more to go after this one.

Last pic!

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