Hi. I have a question about the sequencer in Scales: When using Root to transpose a sequence, the notes seem to be shifted in a way to keep them within the octave they were entered, which might change the relative intervals between notes.
E.g.: With the root set to C, if I enter a sequence using C and B a half step below C, then when shifting the Root up to D#, the C moves up a half step, but the B is shifted down 11 half steps, changing the sequence significantly.
Is there a way to transpose sequences without changing the relative distance of the notes (and without using additional modules)?
You probably want to use the PRE quantize if you want to transpose your sequence within the scale, or POST quantize if you want to chromatically transpose the entire sequence
Thanks for the reply. If I understand correctly, the PRE and POST options only apply to the Shift input, which I’m not using right now. I’m talking about using the ROOT function to transpose scale and recorded sequence together.
When using ROOT, the sequence gets transposed diatonically as expected, the notes are correct, but the octave of some notes changes.
In the example I gave above, I have a sequence of two notes a half step apart, and after changing the root note, they are 13 half steps apart. Is there a way to avoid that?
Root transpositions currently wrap in the same octave, the sequencer behaviour matches the quantizer behaviour, this is so both behave the same if you are using them side by side.