Tête + Tetrapad — Big sync upgrades, new features in Combo and Voltages modes!

Can try holding REC to wipe out the loop, when fresh, only the record button should light up on the first pass. If both are lit, then it’s overdubbing.

I’m not having issues with those same settings, maybe you can send a video to support@intellijel.com of what is happening.

Thanks Wes. I tried that and the result was neither the loopy button nor the play/pause button would light up when pressed. And the recorder still does not run. I ran through all the steps and settings with a friend who has the tete/pad and they were able to get something recorded. I will send a video to try to get some help. Thank you.

Hi, Thanks a lot for this great update ! I’m especially interested in VOLTAGE mode and it’s checking all the boxes for me. I’ve noticed what could be a bug when in Edit View in VOLTAGE mode with the last firmwares for Tete and Tetrapad. It seems that when the output is set to Quantized voltages and I turn the encoder to change (edit) the note of that output, the note is not displayed on Tete’s screen. The note is changing because the bar on the graph is moving but it’s impossible to see at which value (note here) I’m setting this output. Still in Edit view, it’s the same when I change the bank, the note value displayed on the screen is stuck on the one which belong to the bank I was when I entered the Edit view.

Nevertheless, the value is correctly displayed when the output is set to voltage or gate in both cases.

I’ll check it out! Thanks for the bug report

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Fixed in

Mac: https://intellijel.com/downloads/firmware/Intellijel_Firmware_Updater_macOS_2021-07-29.zip
Win: https://intellijel.com/downloads/firmware/Intellijel_Firmware_Updater_macOS_2021-07-29.zip

I just noticed that when setting CV outputs A or B to the “Loop Position” output, the output voltage is not lining up correctly. Instead of Step 1 starting at 0V, it starts at a positive voltage, and then the last step in any sequence is 0V instead of 5V. Also, it appears to never reach 5V with any sequence.

Confirmed this one, we’ll get a fix out soon.

(Update: Found and fixed, will put an update out before the weekend, we have one more bug report to review next week before we put a release out. Hold tight.)

Hi, great update!

I have some questions/ feature requests.

  • Is there any way to reset a single LFO in combo mode not using the reset input but an external trigger/ signal? I’m using the reset input to restart the sequence / loop, so that is already taken.
    Perfect would be using X,Y,Z inputs because these are assignable to single pads.
  • Any way to reduce LFOs frequency span covered by the Y-position of the pad? The initial frequency could then be set by a cv input.
  • A nice feature for LFOs would be: have the 2nd output not carry the negative but a value corresponding to the actual frequency, as in PADs y-position + modulaton.
  • Another feature for the cv inputs: Add an option to have an offset voltage applied to the inputs if there is nothing plugged into them. That way the attenuverters can be used to control 3 more things.

Hey all, hope it’s ok to ask this question here:

I was watching Tetrapad/Tete videos and reading articles today, and I wanted to make sure I understood something: So Tete will record CV in a way so it can be looped? My understanding is that this would be done in Combo mode, is that correct?

I also wanted to make sure that the voltage changes are continuous in this mode i.e. not stepped/discrete or quantized, or at least there is an option to make the changes continuous.

Hi, I’m willing to answer your questions about tête/tetrapad since I have them in my system.
To answer the first part, the looper is available in all three modes: Notes, Combo and Voltages. You have the option of using either a step sequencer or the looper in all modes but the sequencer is not available in Combo mode only the looper. The looper can be reset with a trigger if you want to have a timed loop but it will loop from the moment yo press record to when you press record again. You can overdub
As for the CV in Combo mode; you decide if you want quantized CV or not depending on the type of “controllers” you put on 4 strips. You could even have the values in Voltages mode slide from one value to the next using the available portamento.


i will add for clarification, it records the pad actions, which produce CV, it does not record incoming CV signals on the Aux inputs.

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This all makes perfect sense after watching the videos. Thank you!!

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Thank you, Wes. Indeed, I was asking about CV produced by the pads. :blush:

Glad to help! English is not my first language (I’m French Canadian) so I’m happy I made some sense :slight_smile:
If you have other questions about those modules let me know

Hi everyone,

I hope it’s the good topic for my question, it seems it’s still the same firmware.

When playing with the Looper I was wondering if it was possible to change the speed (or rate) at which the loop is played back. I don’t see any sign of this function in the manual but maybe I’ve missed something.

The way we can change the start and length of the loop is great to “scan” what was recorded, but to create some speed variations on the recorded gestures could be a nice addition I think. If it’s something that can make sense in the global context of the firmware of course.