@slowwild - A request for a minor addition to Tetê…
When using it with Ableton as the central clock via MIDI 1U, both Run and Reset are needed to get Tetê to follow Ableton’s workflow. When you press play on Ableton, it is efffectively resetting to the beginning of the composition and playing. To have Tetê start at zero and follow along, one needs to mult the TRIG (set to Run) and RESET (Reset) jacks to the RST output on MIDI 1U.
I would like to request that an option is added to the CV menu for the RESET jack called Reset+Run - which would do a reset of the looper/sequencer with positive voltage as well as running the sequence. It would save me a cable, and free up the TRIG jack for more creative things.
I’ll check into it, our usual behaviour for RUN is to reset position when the gate is high. Will see if that was intentionally split or an oversight/bug.
no. you’re right. I powered up my system today, remove the RESET cable, and RUN does reset the sequence in both Combo and Notes mode.
Not sure why it wasn’t doing a reset yesterday, prompting me to mult that cable.
(maybe I’m just losing it)
On another note - is there any reason why Run is not available in the options for the RESET jack?
I’m all good though - Run is going to the TRIG jack, and my RESET jack is set to Mod Trig.