Shapeshifter Vocoder

I’m wondering about when Shapeshifter’s Mod A destination is set to Voc CARR.

What, then, is the modulator?

Any good patch examples to try out with this setting?

Mod A is the carrier, the Shapeshifter is the modulator.

Check out Seth Shafer’s video tutorials:

Thanks. Yeah, I’ve probably watched them half a dozen times- they are great! Probably responsible for selling me my Shapeshifter!

That particular example didn’t strike me as something to try out though. I’m trying to think of a use case for Shapeshifter as modulator. It doesn’t really make formants like a vocal modulator.

I guess maybe Shapeshifter generating a percussive and/or noisy modulator would be the main use? Is the modulator oscillator 1?

Yes, Oscillator 1 is the modulator for the vocoder. How it applies this will depend on the selected COMBO MODE.