Rainmaker v1.07/9 now available

Purchased a brand new Rainmaker from Perfect Circuit this week - firmware is 1.02, sigh. :confused:

Assume I follow the directions as per the video, or has anything changed? Thanks

Nothing has changed, the videos are pretty good.

How do I obtain “IE11 on Windows 8.1 Virtual Box Machine”, the link in the video doesn’t work? Might there be an updated link? thanks

You should be able to get it here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/

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Great way to use the rainmaker. Ensemble Oscillator | by 4MS & Matthias Puech - YouTube

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Hi I’m Hiroshi. I’m sure you get similar questions time to time, but I’m having a hard time updating Rainmaker firmware using Quartus. I tried both Windows Parallel on my Mac as well as my Windows PC, making sure I got correct Quartus for my bit rate. Both machines do detect Windows Blaster but Quartus does not. It seems I need to update driver for the USB blaster. The tutorial video says the driver comes with Quartus download, but the only file I get is QuartusProgrammerSetup file….

I’m a little bit clueless here, is there any other way to get driver for USB Blaster?