Rainmaker #Taps CV?

is there a way to CV the Taps thru MODA MODB ?
i’m not sure i see the option or do things wrong.

would be nice to have that option.

Do you mean FB TAP#? There’s an option for L, R, and L+R. This is the equivalent to adjusting TAP# under the Feedback menu.

Or do you want to control the number of active taps with CV?

think he means controlling the number of active taps. Which would be cool, come to think of it.

Yes control the numbers of taps.
Changing number has big impact on sound and it woyld be nice to CC it.

Oh ok, gotcha.

No, there’s no MOD destination for controlling the number of active taps. I’m assuming this is because a tap’s active state is determined by its level and mute status. These can at least be randomized, but there’s no way to transition from 0 - 16 active taps.

I know this is different, but Comb Density can be assigned to MOD. So you can at least increase the number of Comb taps.

I’m not sure it would really make sense in the context of the 16-tap delay in the Rainmaker because each tap can have a variety of parameters, and they can be stacked in different ways, etc.

If you just want a more traditionally multitap delay with a variable number of taps, the comb is a good place to do that like Scott suggests.

dam… i’m really sorry no, i ment the number taps from comb and i didn’t know that was called “comb density” :stuck_out_tongue: sorry i didn’t know that.

Now that i found that i realise that each time i pass 16/32/48 i have a clic in thesound. i use Fibonacci falling but it does it with any setting. That’s a bit sad and make it hard to use.

There’s a few parameters that cause clicks at some values.

You might be able to make this less noticeable in your case by feeding Comb to Delay and then use the delay section with a really fast time (maybe set Tap# to Comb Clock) to smooth out those clicks.

thanks i’ll try this