Question on 1U depth

Hello to my favourite eurorack company! It’s been a while since I was on the forum, really had nothing to say. But there’s been one question tolling around in my mind for some time. Why do all the 1u modules say that they are skiff-compatible depth? Don’t the intellijel 1u modules require their own special width format? I believe only intellijel makes cases for the 1u modules. As far as I know, all of the cases except for perhaps the pallette cases are like at least double skiff depth. So why not use that extra depth for more circuitry, or to make things more compact?

Compatibility with the Palette case is pretty important :slight_smile:

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Sure, I get it. But then we should make the palettes slightly deeper—and I’m not saying the full depth of the other cases. It just seems like a (pardon what seems to me like an extreme word but I can’t think of a better one) waste to me.

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