Plog - xor truth table (typo?)

Little question .
Why everywhere in literature 3 input XOR truth table is like this :
0 0 0 = 0
0 0 1 = 1
0 1 0 = 1
0 1 1 = 0
1 0 0 = 1
1 0 1 = 0
1 1 0 = 0
1 1 1 = 1
While on PLOG Manual the Logic XOR is reported being like this ?
0 0 0 = 0
0 0 1 = 1
0 1 0 = 1
0 1 1 = 1
1 0 0 = 1
1 0 1 = 1
1 1 0 = 1
1 1 1 = 0

Which is right & how PLOG XOR behave at the end ?
Thanks P.

When I originally made Plog I remember researching 3-input XOR and finding conflicting results.
I think technically it is not possible to make more than a two input XOR so anything we make in software is an interpretation.

I honestly can’t remember where I got my truth table from in the end. Also I would have to review my code to see if that matches the manual! I’ll try to follow up on this when I have a bit more time…

Ciao Daniel . Thanks for prompt answer .
As it is also reported in article you shared I would expect this behaviour from XOR gate :

XOR input A and B and the result of them “R” is then XOR with input C. ( and so on for multiple inputs) . Which lead to the 3IN Truth Table
0 0 0 = 0
0 0 1 = 1
0 1 0 = 1
0 1 1 = 0
1 0 0 = 1
1 0 1 = 0
1 1 0 = 0
1 1 1 = 1
This is the way I know XOR operator should work . Microsoft confirmed ( eg. below XOR on excel )

Also HW 3 inputs XOR’s have above Truth Chart ( eg . see Nexperia below )

Other info about XOR building & boolean algebra

Bottom line thanks for Prompt answer . My Plog is travelling & is about to arrive .
I think is really powerful module , but I need it to behave as per standard logic since I drive it digitally (ShuttleControl) & I got algorithms in background running to give me the results I expect&want.
I will scope it on oscilloscope immediatly so to understand Plog XOR&XNOR results & come back with plots. ( still hope is typo on manual thruth table at this point )
Thanks Again for prompt answer . more to come . Ciao Paolo

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Hello Daniel . I’m back … plog arrived and as promised I’m here with plots

so… PLOG module seem to follow the truth table reported on the manual which actually confilct with 3 input XOR thruth table on all the commercial hardware & software.(details in previous posts)
Could You please clarify ?
Can be fixed with firmware update ?

Thanks in advance Paolo

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XOR is exclusive or. This, OR that, OR that other guy over there, but only one of them. You should be able to have a multi-in XOR, but it should always output only if there is one input on.
