µMIDI 1.15 Update

After releasing this set of demo videos:

We received some reports that saving of settings on some µMIDI units was not working correctly. The bug has since been fixed and the new firmware is available from the usual location: https://intellijel.com/firmware-updates

hi was wondering if the umidi has been tested as host for the Op-1? Before i got a 7u case i was thinking ES fh-1 but they have had issues with the op-1.


The uMidi can’t act as a host via USB.

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I was trying to figure out if there’s a way to assign the CC output to aftertouch?

EDIT: Figured out this can be changed from breath control to aftertouch via the Configuration Utility, and that I wasn’t on the latest firmware: https://intellijel.com/utilities/µMIDI/

Everything works great now!


When can we expect to see the µMIDI get support for polyphony? I would never use all the clock outputs and stuff. Maybe is it possible to daisy-chain modules instead of replacing output functions?

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