I am trying to use two metropolises (metropoli?) to do diatonic melodies that move within a chosen scale but offset within the scale by a control signal.
I have Metropolis A’s 1v/oct and gate outs controlling a voice. It’s set to e.g. 3 stages in D dorian playing D1 F1 A1. The sync out is clocking Metropolis B. It has 2 stages each with 1 step, set to C0 (0v), D0 (.171V).
I want to use the 1v/oct out of metropolis b into aux A of metropolis A to get it to play the whole sequence D F A E G B, i.e. for the second repeat with the non-zero voltage into the aux to be moved up one scale degree each.
I’ve been having a pretty hard time getting this kind of behavior out of this set up. Aux A routed to pitch pre sort of gets close but with the scenario above but tends to wind up with one of the resulting pitches quantized a step away from what I intended. e.g. with metropolis B set to C0/D0 into metropolis A’s aux A routed to P.Pre I get D F A E G A
Routing auxA to the scale root doesn’t do it because that’s just moving all the steps in parallel by the same amount. Maybe if I somehow could sequence a root offset and a scale type change simultaneously but that sounds tricky to coordinate…
I guess I want something like aux routed to offsetting by scale degrees which afaict isn’t possible. Anyone have any suggestions? Is there any way to do what I want?