1U modules wishlist

yes yes must have contour control!!! and cv yes yes!!! Also a easy to replace fader as I will destroy mine over time. :smirk: (oops this is in reference to the crossfader concept…)


Anyone know a good source for the actual crossfader part? e.g. oem optical faders or comparable quality?

I would love to see a mid/side encoder/decoder. There’s like only a single module on the market right now for such a simple concept and it’s god-awful ugly! It’s a really simple concept and it allows for some great effects processing.


1U Sine LFO

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that’s an interesting idea! could be super small too.


After checking out the Worng LRMSMSLR I had an idea for a potential 1U panning/MS encoder/decoder module.

My concept was a pair of inputs and outputs, a pair of CV inputs for panning with input 1 normalled with 5V and normalled to input 2, a pair of attenuverters for the panning inputs (since the inputs are normalled with 5V you can do regular panning by turning the knobs or provide panning modulation with attenuversion), and finally a switch on the input and output to toggle between LR and MS modes. On the back of the module it would be useful to have link jumpers for the input and output so you could connect it to Mixup or Headphones. A few LEDs would also be useful to indicate signal if there’s room.


1U Trigger to Gate Converter with CV in to modulate Gate Length

I’d prefer something smaller and simpler, similar to the Doepfer A-151, that can be used as x:1 or 1:x (x being 2, 3, or 4), but with the ability to reverse and randomize direction. (Selfishly, I’m trying to come up with something as yet unavailable to fill 8HP, heh.)

the reference was rather the size of the module… but for the sake of manufacturing and sourcing i shouldve used the available slider measurement as reference…

I love that crossfader mock-up! That would be brilliant. If the size is a little too much for some people’s taste, perhaps remove the CV attenuverter and the INV output, then combine the CV in and REF out into one column, that could shave a few HP off.

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Would anyone else find useful a modified Quadratt that also functions as a buffered multiple?
The left input would normal to the next 3 inputs, allowing for attenuversion of the multed signal.

  • stereo crossfader
  • DEDICATED tuner (no menu diving) with READABLE graphics (no teeny weenie eye-strain-o-vision) the OLED that fits in 1U is fine, but dedicate the entire display to a strobe simulation or LARGE numbers.
  • a simple, good-old tone reference like the A440 switch on the minimoog or system 100m (probably makes more sense as a feature added to a mixer, though. Speaking of mixers…
  • 1U mixup
  • 1U stereo unity gain mixer (basically looks like a 1U mult)

Is it possible to use crossfader components used by turntable mixer?

4 quadrant multiplier anyone?


or Gate Derivator… a la Ladik im not sure how to abbreviate Sensitivity… GateDerivator 1u 12hp


Would Threshold work instead of Sensitivity? THRSH?


I’ve seen SENS used before.

Yes I think threshold (TRSH?) might make sense here… since sensitivity is too similar to sense (intellijel term for movement detection as found in planar) :slightly_smiling_face:

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Another approach would be to make this even smaller and just have a TRIG and GATE output with the IN and knob for SENSE.

Yes but these are quite pricey and in some cases quite physically bulky too. I need to dig more for some suppliers. Behringer offers an optical xfade part that is quite budget friendly but I would prefer to not use them as a source.