Quadrax 1.2.0

That’s deep.

Planning to put out another update this week


Awesome, thank you for the update!

Hi! is there a way to implement some kind of trigger/gate delay to compensate for some sequencers CV-latency? When I send a trigger and a linked cv from a sequencer to trigger the Quadrax and modulate a parameter like level I can hear the latency. A solution just like in the Scales would be perfect.

I’ll add this to the wishlist.

great, thanks!

I may be alone in this, but I’m wondering if it’s possible to add the ability to change the voltage output in global settings per channel. It’s not a big deal, but I like having the 10V option set and it would save me an attenuator channel when I’m using Quadrax for audio envelopes into Dual VCA and need 5V.

just a reminder if it has been forgotten about - I‘m sure you have a lot on your plate right now :slight_smile:

I‘m really hoping the deadzone and snap to zero has been addressed in the coming update :grimacing: I‘d love to use the new features without the awkward parameter tuning…

I haven’t forgotten :slight_smile: ran into some performance issues that i think are fixed now. Just waiting for some internal testing then I will post the beta up on the forum if there’s no issues


Yes, looking forward to this. Right now I’m using 2 channels for percussive VCA duty. And its hard to go from a short decay to an even shorter one. Also while having this super short attack time it gets problematic when controlling the level with a sequencer. The CV always comes in too late, so some kind of latency compensation would be very important.

Can you elaborate on this some more? I haven’t seen any mention of this before

I didn’t explain it properly. sry. Most if not all sequencers I have spit out the CV a little bit later than the gate. When I trigger the quadrax ADenv with my Westlicht sequencer (awesome btw.) and let the same channel of the westlicht control the level of the env via quadrax CVin I can hear a little spike when used for controlling a VCA for percussive duties. Most notable with minimum attack and noise as sound source. In cases where you have say a HiHat at full level followed by a hihat with low level the CV seems to reduce the level after the attack phase is done. That results in a short peak.

I had he same latency problem when using the SCALES. But the delay compensation made that disappear

Ok, I will add trigger delay compensation to the wishlist.

hah ok, I see we did in fact talk about this already and its in the wishlist for the next minor release. Sorry, theres a lot going on so it’s hard to remember every item

Awesome! thx

It would be great if this could be freely adjustable rather than a system setting that requires a reboot.

Also would be great if this was per channel.

The reason I say this is, most of my oscillators are fine and do not require a delay, but some do. When patching I’m not always conscious of the order and what envelope will be going where until the patch dictates.

Having to reboot to add/remove delay would be awkward and having a delay on all channels would be excessive.

(Not to derail this thread) but I’ve never understood this. Why do most sequencers send the gate before the cv… it just causes problems which other modules have to fix. :thinking:

Good question. We definitely measure the maximum CV transition time and then delay the gate as necessary on any modules that send out CV and gate. Usually it’s like 200 us or something small.

That is a challenge… the main UI is already pretty loaded. I guess we could add some very long hold button combo or something but it would be quite esoteric

Quadrax 1.2.1 firmware is now available:
